We have the know-how you need.
General Practitioners & Prescribers
This section has been created to be a one-stop shop for pharmacotherapy providers.
We have all the forms available or links to the forms for GPs here on our website.
(including permits, resources & links to research & documents of interest etc)
PAMS is funded to work on any pharmacotherapy, client-related issue or concern.
PAMS provides short-term case management until the primary problem or
issue of concern has been resolved.
Please note, we do not work with patients who are on other S8 opioids –
unless they wish to start a pharmacotherapy program.
GP’s can contact PAMS or refer a pharmacotherapy patient if:
You feel it's essential to start a patient on the program today, however, they don't have the money to pay for the first dose / few doses
You have a patient who is re-starting a program and can't locate a dispensing point (possibly due to a poor track record in terms of payment or behaviour, or because there are no vacancies or because there are no service providers where the patient resides)
You've had to terminate a patient from their pharmacotherapy program with your service and you would like PAMS to source a new GP prescriber
You have a pharmacotherapy patient who informs you that they are not able to continue dosing at their current pharmacy (for whatever reason) and a new dosing point needs to be sourced asap
You have the capacity to take on more pharmacotherapy patients
You are retiring or leaving your current practice and need to find vacancies with other GP prescribers for some of your pharmacotherapy patients
You have a problem with a specific pharmacotherapy patient or group of patients (that has not been mentioned above) and you think we might be able to help
You have a patient or number of patients who are express concern about an aspect of their pharmacotherapy program and you feel this needs to be reported
You need an independent third party (PAMS worker) to help negotiate a treatment agreement for a patient who has been difficult to manage in your clinic
If you have a pharmacotherapy client related problem and you are unsure how we can help, give us a call.
If we can’t assist, we will point you in the right direction.
PAMS operates 11AM to 5PM, Monday to Friday
via a state-wide telephone number PH: 1800 443 844.
Please LEAVE A DETAILED MESSAGE on the answering machine after hours or if the phone is engaged.
One of our busy staff will return your call as soon as they become available.
(Please don't forget your name and phone number)
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Please allow 7-14 days for delivery.