HRVic's Recognise & Respond to Opioid Overdose poster set and fact sheet is now available. A perfect addition to any NSP or service where people who use drugs frequent. This information is literally a life saver.
(Includes 2 posters and an A4 Fact sheet)
Recognise & Respond OD PosterSet & Fact Sheet
وحدة SKU: HRVicRR_OD2017
غير متوفر
Our poster sets are sent in a mailing tube and usually weigh between 0.00kg - 0.50kg.
Prices are as follows:
Interstate: All states besides Victoria add $7.88 AUD postage
International: UK, Europe and North America add $20.48 AUD postage
Direct Transfer funds in Australian dollars (AUD) to:
BSB: 313140
Account number: 12053322
Account name: Harm Reduction Victoria
Reference: ( Your Name and ResourceBuy ie. JoeBlogsResourceBuy)