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Annual General Meeting
December 4 2024
@ 3pm
Dear members,
Harm Reduction Victoria would like to remind you of our 2023-2024 Annual General Meeting which will be happening on:
Wednesday DECEMBER 4th 2024
at 3:00pm to 5:00pm.
This year we are holding the meeting at Harm Reduction Victoria’s office at:
299-305 Victoria Street, Brunswick VIC 3056.
We are also able to offer online access to the AGM via Teams.
If a vote is needed for Board positions, we will arrange a process and let online attendees know on the day.
We are a community, peer organisation and as such it is important that all members get a chance to be involved in our future, so please do join us if you can.
Nominating for the Board of HRVic
Have you ever thought of being on the Board of a not for profit organisation who advocates and works for something you are passionate about?
Being on the Board of a peer-based, membership-based community organisation is a great way to contribute to your community and it can be rewarding and enjoyable.
Being on the Board is also a responsibility and requires a level of commitment to attend regular meetings and do some reading and preparation for these meetings.
Realistically, participating on the Board will take about 4-5 hours each month.
HRVic seeks people who may currently use drugs or have used drugs in the past, and others who support HRVic’s mission and purposes, to join the Board. We want people who are passionate and willing to participate in governance or willing to learn.
If you are thinking about nominating to join the Board, HRVic requires that you meet with the CEO and a member of the Board executive before submitting your nomination form.
The Board nomination form needs to be received by HRVic no later than one week before the AGM. This year, forms have to be received at HRVic before midnight on the 27th of November 2024.
Please organise to meet with the CEO and a member of the Board a few weeks before this date.
The meeting is an opportunity for you to ask questions about HRVic, the Board and what’s involved in being a Board member. It’s also an opportunity for HRVic to find out more about you – your experiences, skills and reasons for wanting to join the Board of HRVic.
Based on our legal obligations and organisational needs, HRVic reserves ththe right to not accept a Board nomination.
What happens if my nomination is accepted?
You need to provide a short statement about who you are and why you want to join the Board. This will be sent out to the members so they can learn about the candidates.
You will have to complete the Board nomination form and you will have to have another member of HRVic formally second your nomination (this means having another member signing the form to say they support your nomination).
You then attend the AGM and speak to your nomination. Members attending the AGM vote to appoint the Board members, with a ballot if the number of nominees is greater than the number of vacant positions.
Voting at the HRVic AGM
HRVic members attending the AGM are asked to vote to accept the minutes of the previous AGM, vote to accept the Financial Report, vote to approve the appointment of Auditors for the forthcoming financial year and vote to appoint the nominees to the Board of HRVic.
You will leave a voting expert if you came a voting virgin.
Only members of HRVic are allowed to vote at the HRVic AGM.
This year the HRVic AGM will be hybrid- meaning voting will be held both online and in person.
If an election needs to be held to vote for members of the Board of HRVic (i.e. when the number of people nominating to the Board is higher than the number of vacant positions on the Board), we will run hybrid voting where HRVic members can vote for candidates during the meeting either online or in-person.
If you are not able to attend the AGM, you can vote by proxy. This means you can appoint someone to vote on your behalf (using the Appointment of Proxy form). You can appoint as your proxy the Board Secretary or another HRVic member.
Any HRVic member can only be a proxy for TWO other HRVic members.
You can allow your appointed proxy to choose how to vote on your behalf or you can indicate your preferred candidates.
The names of candidates who have nominated to the Board will be emailed to members on Thursday, 28th of November 2024 and also posted to the HRVic website. Please email if you need a proxy form.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are not on the list of members (including where we have your name as a nickname), you will not be able to vote.
This is especially important for members voting online and will only be able to do this if the name they use when they join the online AGM is the same as the name we have on our list of members.
If you are not sure if you are a member, it is important that you confirm your membership before the AGM. You can email us at to confirm your membership.
If you would like to become a vote at an AGM, HRVic must receive your membership application 30 days before the AGM.
AGM Forms Available Here
For Online Attendees:
TEAMS LINK to Join AGM 2023-24
Notes For TEAMS Meeting Attendees
We will have a waiting room system and will admit people from 2:30pm onwards.
All attendees will be muted on entry by default.
As per normal practice, we will check off members as we admit attendees into the virtual 'meeting room'.
If you are a member, please ensure your TEAMS nameplate reflects your member name so we can count your vote if needed.
We will assign members an “M” in their TEAMS nameplate, so that we can identify members easily during the proceedings.
Members who are sharing a computer:
Please message us at the start of the meeting at the HRVic Zoom Account so the Secretary can count your vote