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Psilocybin is a naturally occurring psychedelic prodrug compound produced by more than 200 species of mushrooms, collectively known as psilocybin mushrooms or more commonly-magic mushrooms. As a prodrug, psilocybin is quickly converted by the body to psilocin, which has mind-altering effects similar, in some aspects, to those of LSD, mescaline, and DMT. Nearly all of the psilocybin containing mushrooms are small brown mushrooms easily mistaken for any number of non-psychoactive, or poisonous mushrooms in the wild. This makes identifying true magic mushrooms not only difficult, but potentially hazardous and possibly lethal.

Psilocybes have been used for thousands of years by indigenous cultures around the world to induce altered states of consciousness during festive and religious ceremonies. As well as psilocybe mushrooms there is another species called amanita muscaria and amanita pantherina which are psychoactive but do not contain psilocybin as the active ingredient. These mushrooms are bright red or yellow with white dots and belong to a family of mushrooms that include some deadly poisonous strains. This resource will focus only on psilocybes. Recent scientific studies have used psilocybin assisted psychotherapy to ease end-of-life anxiety in terminally ill patients, and other trials are underway to investigate its use to help relieve depression and substance use disorders.



Total duration: 4 - 9 hours

Onset: 15 - 120 minutes

Peak: 2 - 3 hours

Coming down: 1 - 3 hours

Hangover/after effects: 0 - 6 hours



You may feel that the effects of the mushrooms may seem to have worn off after approx. 4-6 hours but the drug is still active in your system for another 5-9 hours after taking it. The effects may linger until you have slept properly. It is important to remember this if choosing to use other substances.




  • Uncontrollable laughter and giggling

  • Visual hallucinations-open and closed eye visuals

  • Sensory enhancement (taste, smell, touch)

  • Increased energy

  • Dilated pupils

  • Unusual body sensations (chills, goosebumps, tingling)

  • Feeling numb

  • Yawning (but not tired)

  • Irregular heart rate *LESS COMMON

  • Difficulty regulating body temperature / sweating *LESS COMMON

  • Light sensitivity *LESS COMMON

  • Nausea and vomiting *LESS COMMON

  • Stomach cramps *LESS COMMON

  • Headaches *LESS COMMON


  • Euphoria

  • Mood Lift

  • Emotional sensitivity

  • Connection to nature

  • Intense feelings of fear Intense feelings of wonder *LESS COMMON

  • Memories come to life *LESS COMMON

  • Meaningful spiritual experiences *LESS COMMON


  • Creative, philosophical or deep thinking, ideas flow more easily

  • Mundane tasks or happenings can become more interesting and/or funny and entertaining

  • General change in consciousness

  • Distorted perception of time

  • Increased confidence and aloofness

  • Confusion *LESS COMMON

  • Can precipitate or exacerbate pre existing mental health issues *LESS COMMON

  • Feelings of isolation *LESS COMMON

  • Experience of ‘ego death’ *RARE

Long Term Effects

  • Psychedelic drugs may accelerate the onset of mental health issues if you are predisposed to such issues.

  • Psilocybin is being researched for its potential a medicine to aid psychotherapy for a range of mental health conditions.

It is not recommended to use Magic Mushrooms if you have or are at risk of:

  • Sleep deprivation

  • Insomnia

  • Anxiety

  • Schizophrenia

  • Psychotic disorders

  • Hypertension

  • Heart problems

  • High blood pressure



Polydrug use has many possible outcomes. What could be fun for Polydrug use has many possible outcomes. What could be fun for one person could be dangerous for another. We recommend you proceed with caution.


Ice and other stimulants = increased risk of psychosis Psychedelics = can intensify trip effects, risk of challenging experience. Effects are less predictable.

Cannabis = confusion, can lead to a challenging experience. Can also trigger psychosis. Regular cannabis users often wait till after the peak effects of the mushrooms are over before using cannabis.

Ketamine = affects intensity of the trip. Can lead to a challenging experience

Alcohol = nausea, vomiting & blurred experience of trip

Benzodiazepines = counteracts the intensity of the trip

Antipsychotics = can counteract the effects of magic mushrooms

Antidepressants = can inhibit the effects of magic mushrooms



Roadside Police: Psilocybin/psilocin mushrooms are not tested for by a roadside drug saliva test. It is illegal to drive under the influence of any illicit drugs, including opioids and any driver may be subject to a roadside behavioural impairment test. Wait at least 24 hours before driving.

Workplace: OHS law gives employers rights to test employees for drug use. This should be contained in workplace policy, it should be reasonable, and a risk assessment should be done to determine whether testing of employees is appropriate.

Urine: up to 24 hours’ Hair: Up to 90 days and Blood: <24 hours’

‘Pill Testing’/Drug Checking: Lab-quality testing has been trialled in Australia and is not available as a health service yet but there are DIY ways to identify the right mushroom. Research taking a spore print. You can also use a Ehrlich reagent to produce a reaction with psilocybin.



‘ Set’ = your mind + body. ‘Setting’ = environment. For psychedelic drugs, Set & Setting are very important and shape the experience.

  • Make sure you are using the right kind of mushroom—similar looking ones can be dangerous.

  • Use around people you trust and somewhere you feel safe.

  • Wear comfy clothes, check in with yourself—Some people like to do stretching or mentally prepare for the experience.

  • Use mushrooms only if you feel well (physically or emotionally)—they amplify what you’re feeling.

  • Have a sober or experienced safe person with you (trip sitter).

  • Eat about 30 minutes before use.

  • Have snacks and water ready for the journey

  • Always dose yourself.

  • Potency can vary—start with a small dose.

  • Use a milligram scale to weigh your dose.

  • Some people will make a tea with lemon to reduce nausea and onset.

  • Weight varies if you use fresh, dried or powdered mushrooms.

  • A standard recreational dose is ~1-2.5gms depending on body weight, tolerance, frequency of usage, and if you’ve eaten recently.

  • If redosing, wait at least 2 hours—this may intensify rather than extend the trip.

  • Try not to make any big decisions about life or people during the experience or until you have fully ‘landed.’

  • Research ‘Integration’ (ongoing learning process after psychedelic experiences).



Carrying drugs & paraphernalia puts you at greater risk of criminal charges (inc. trafficking, even if you don’t deal). Know your local laws.

As mushrooms are organic matter, you might have a larger quantity than assumed and you may be at risk of attracting trafficking charges.



This resource has been made by people who use drugs for their peers & the wider community. The role of DanceWize is to provide credible & non-judgmental info to promote health & harm reduction. In an unregulated (illegal) market you don’t know the purity or dose of any drug and there is always some risk. You can educate yourself and practise harm reduction to reduce risk. Knowledge is power. #JUSTSAYKNOW

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