Are you looking for a GP
to prescribe you the new hep C treatment?
We have compiled a list of clinics and doctors who are happy to treat people who are currently using drugs
without judgement or shame - and who we know
are prescribing the new Hep C meds.
We have no way of guaranteeing that you will get an appointment but hopefully, with these few tools,
it will make the getting of the new hep C treatment
a little bit easier for us all.
Melbourne Area
Northern Suburbs/ Inner North West
ReGen -Coburg
Integrated Hep C Clinical Nurse Consultant- Sally Watkinson
26 Jessie St,
Coburg VIC 3058
Phone: (03) 9386 2876
Website: www.regen.org.au
*Wednesday Afternoons - 2-4:30pm
Grantham Street Practice
Dr Ohnmar John
69 Grantham Street
Brunswick West, VIC 3055
Phone: (03) 9380 1384
Website: http://www.gsgp.com.au/
Lotus Medical Centre
Dr Magdy Ramzy
Address: Suite 3 & 4 200 Sydney Road,
Brunswick VIC 3056
Phone: (03) 9380 1588
Northside Clinic
All GPs
370 St Georges Road,
Fitzroy North VIC 3068
Phone: (03) 9485 7700
Website: www.northsideclinic.net.au
Western Suburbs/ Inner West
coHealth Healthworks – Footscray
4-12 Buckley Street
Footscray VIC 3011
Phone: (03) 9362 8100
Website: https://www.cohealth.org.au
Meadows Medical Centre
Dr. Michael Aufgang
Address: 311 Queen St.
Altona Meadows VIC 3028
Phone: (03) 9369 4266
Hours: 9am–6pm
coHealth Kensington
Dr Nadia Chaves visiting infectious disease specialist. GP referral required.
Address: 12 Gower Street, Kensington
Phone: (03) 8378 1600
coHealth Joslin Clinic
Doctor(s): Dr Erin Gordon
Address: 575a Barkly Street, Footscray
Phone: (03) 9912 2000
coHealth Paisley St, Footscray
Doctor(s): Dr Erin Gordon
Address: 78 Paisley Street, Footscray
Phone: (03) 8398 4100
Please note: If people are not already a patient at cohealth
or Inner Space then they will need to be seen as a new patient,
which requires a double appointment.
coHealth Braybrook or coHealth Laverton
Integrated Hep C Clinical Nurse Consultant- Sally Watkinson
Call 9448 5507 for appointments.
Walk in’s are fine but best to call first.
Tuesdays – 9.30 -12.30
Inner City
coHealth Fitzroy
Doctor(s): Dr Ohnmar John, Dr Sophie Mancey-Jones
Address: 75 Brunswick St, Fitzroy 3065
Phone: (03) 9411 3555
Please note: If people are not already a patient at cohealth
or Inner Space then they will need to be seen as a new patient,
which requires a double appointment.
coHealth Collingwood
Doctor(s): Dr Kate Coles
Address: 365 Hoddle St, Collingwood
Phone: (03) 9411 4333
Victorian Aboriginal Health Service
Doctor(s): Dr Ohnmar John
Address: 186 Nicholson Street, Fitzroy 3065
Phone: (03) 9419 3000
Errol St Medical Centre, North Melbourne
Doctor(s): Dr Zahra Mokhayer ONLY
Address: 65-67 Errol St, North Melbourne VIC 3051
Phone: (03) 9329 7011
Victoria Street Acupuncture & Medical Clinic, North Melbourne
Doctor(s): Dr John Jagoda
Address: 436 Victoria St, North Melbourne VIC 3051
Phone: (03) 9328 4034
Website: www. vmac.com.au
we have a Div 1 Nurse full time on the premises.
North Richmond Community Health, North Richmond
Doctor(s): All GPs
Address: 23 Lennox St, Richmond VIC 3121
Phone: (03) 9418 9800
Website: http://www.nrch.com.au/
Appointments need to be booked online nrch.com.au
Youth Projects Living Room
Currently closed for renovations
Integrated Hep C Clinical Nurse Consultant- Sally Watkinson
7-9 Hosier Ln, Melbourne VIC 3000
Phone: (03) 9662 4488
Website: http://www.youthprojects.org.au/health/programs/living-room
*Must be homeless or at risk of homelessness
Inner Space- Health Living Clinic
Address: 4 Johnston Street, Collingwood Vic 3066
Phone: (03)9468 2800
Website: innerspace.org.au
Please note: If people are not already a patient at cohealth or
Inner Space then they will need to be seen as a new patient,
which requires a double appointment.
Inner South
Access Health, St Kilda
Dr Belinda McDonald, Dr Josephine Samuel-King & Dr Joseph Sherman
31 Grey St, St Kilda VIC 3182
03) 9536 7780
Website:: http://crisisservicesnetwork.org.au/access-health/
Starhealth / Better Health Network
Dr Belinda McDonald, & Dr Joseph Sherman
341 Coventry Street
South Melbourne 3205
03) 9525 1300
First Step, St Kilda
Integrated Hep C Clinical Nurse Consultant- Sally Watkinson
42 Carlisle St, St Kilda VIC 3182
Phone: T: (03) 9537 3177
Website: www.firstep.org.au
*Monday Afternoons
St Kilda Superclinic
Dr Simon Rose
Acland Court, 156-160 Acland St, St Kilda VIC 3182
Phone: (03) 9525 5766
South East
Prahran Market Clinic, Prahran
Dr. Sven Strecker
Pran Central Shopping Centre, 325 Chapel St, Prahran VIC 3181
Phone: T: (03) 9514 0888
Website: www.prahranmarketclinic.com
*Apparently ALL doctors at this clinic are prescribing
East/ North East
Wantirna Medical Clinic
Dr Kristina Flego
103 Harold Street, Wantirna VIC 3152
Phone: T: (03) 9800 2088
Side note:
We Need Your Help!
At HRVic, we receive calls and emails daily from our community asking about hep C treatment prescribers.
We have been compiling a Treatment Prescriber list for the past few years and it is turning out to be much more difficult than we first imagined and a whole lot more work.
As well as this, some doctors are asking us to NOT to put them on a list as the few who are prescribing, are over run with patients at the moment.
If you are wondering if your GP or a clinic near you is prescribing the new treatments, the best thing to do is CALL the clinic directly and ask them. If you find out that they are or aren’t, then please let us know so we can add it to our list or take them off.
We are all in this together and if we can all help each other out the better we will all be for it. We would appreciate any assistance you can give in this matter.

Regional Victoria
Ballarat Community Health *ALL 3 Locations
Doctor(s): Hep C Nurse(s)- Kirsty Simpson
and/or Chloda Sainsbury*
12 Lilburne St LUCAS,
10 Learmonth Rd WENDOUREE,
260 Vickers St SEBASTOPOL,
Phone: Kirsty- (03) 53384572 ,
Chloda- (03) 53204211
*Mondays and Wednesdays
Romsey Medical
Doctor(s):Dr Paul Grinzi
Address: 99 Main Street,
Romsey VIC 3434
Phone: (03) 5429 5254
Wodonga, Mildura and Sheparton
Doctor(s): Integrated Hep C Clinical Nurse Consultant- Sally Watkinson
*please contact Sally for more details
Neal Street Medical Clinic
Doctor(s): Dr Ben Crowther
Address: 5 Neal St
Gisborne VIC
Phone: (03) 5483 3333
West Gippsland Family Practice
Doctor(s): All
Address: 25 Young Street,
Druin VIC 3818
Phone: (03) 56256500
and 03) 56256555
Our list is being maintained & updated as often as needed & is possible.
If you are getting treated or have been treated and have had a GOOD experience WITHOUT judgement or shame around your substance use or your situation, PLEASE SHARE your story with the rest of our community as some of us are having a difficult time finding an understanding doctor or PLEASE FEEL FREE TO POST ON OUR #TREATME FACEBOOK PAGE
Find out all the latest on the Direct Acting Antiviral treatments and their effects and speak to others who have had or are thinking about having the new treatments for Hep C,
on our HRVic #treatme facebook page