MDMA is an amphetamine known for its empathogenic, euphoric and stimulant effects and is also known as ‘Ecstasy’. It belongs to a family of drugs called entactogens/empathogens, which means “touching within.” MDMA was first synthesised in 1912 by Merck Pharmaceuticals. Recreational use began in the 1970s, but before it was made illegal in the 1980s, MDMA was a medicine. Clinical studies show MDMA in combination with psychotherapy can treat Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), anxiety and depression. Due to the popularity of MDMA within the dance scene, demand often outweighs supply. This leaves the unregulated market open for adulterants and substitutes, such as PMA, PMMA, MDEA, MDA, (meth)amphetamine, caffeine, ketamine, BZP(benzylpiperazine), Cathinones like 4-MMC (meow meow) and mCPP(paramethoxyamphetamine).
Total duration: 4-6 hours
Onset: 20-90 minutes
Peak: 2-3 hours
Coming down: 1-2 hours
Hangover/after-effects: 2-72+ hours
Even though the apparent effects of the drug may wear off after 5 hours, the drug is still active in your system for 10 hours after you have taken it. It is important to remember this if planning on taking other substances or redosing
‘Set’ (your mind & body) + ‘Setting’ (environment) + Drug
Increased sense of touch and being touched
Pleasant body high
Increased energy
Decreased appetite
Increased heart rate and blood pressure
Dilated pupils
Jaw clenching / teeth grinding (bruxism)
Muscle tension
Restlessness, nervousness
Change in body temperature regulation
Nausea, vomiting *LESS COMMON
Dry mouth *LESS COMMON
Erectile dysfunction and difficulty reaching orgasm *LESS COMMON
Rapid, involuntary eye ‘wobbles’ (ocular clonus) symptoms *LESS COMMON
Dizziness *LESS COMMON
Visual distortions (not hallucinations) *RARE
Increased body temperature hyperthermia / stopped sweating *RARE
Decreased electrolyte levels which can lead to water- intoxication, loss of balance and vertigo *RARE
Lock jaw *RARE
Approximately 2 per 100,000 users have extreme negative reactions resulting in death *RARE
Seizure *RARE
Feelings of love and empathy
Mood lift / Euphoria
Feelings of comfort, belonging and closeness to others
Come down from peak effects (48-72hours)
Reduced social inhibitions
Increased alertness and awareness of senses (taste touch, sound and smell)
Decreased fear, anxiety and insecurities
A sense of inner peace and acceptance of self and others in the world
Increased willingness to communicate
Bright and intense sensations and/or mild visual hallucinations *LESS COMMON
Short term memory loss or confusion *LESS COMMON
Psychological crisis (Psychosis/psychotic episode, severe panic attack, Excited Delirium) *RARE
Insomnia *RARE
Long Term Effects
Psychological dependency
Can lead to cognitive impairments, memory loss, acquired brain injury (overheating is a leading cause, but you may not realise this or need help at the time).
These issues are more commonly linked to frequent, long-term use and frequent, heavy use.
It is not recommended to use MDMA if you have or are at risk of:
Heart conditions
High blood pressure
Pre-existing mental health issues
Possible outcomes. What works for one person may not work for another. We recommend you proceed with caution.
5HTP/L-Tryptophan - Risk of serotonin syndrome
MAOI Antidepressants - Risk of serotonin syndrome. MAOIs- MAO-B inhibitors can increase the potency and duration of phenethylamines unpredictably. MAO-A inhibitors with MDMA will lead to hypertensive crises
Tramadol - Tramadol and stimulants both increase the risk of seizures +Stimulants (Ice,Cocaine etc)- This combo can end in heart strain and psychosis DXM - Risk of serotonin syndrome
Alcohol - dehydration, also you may be able to drink more which increases the risk of alcohol poisoning, liver/kidney damage and loss of memory
SSRI Antidepressants - Can counteract the effects of both
Antibiotics - Some inhibit an enzyme that breaks down MDMA.
Roadside Police Testing: MDMA is tested for in roadside drug tests and is detectable in saliva tests for 24 to 72 hours since you last slept (not last dose). It is illegal to drive under the influence of any illicit drugs, including Ice and any driver may be subject to a roadside behavioural impairment test. Wait at least 24 hours before driving. Taking multiple doses over a period of several hours can lengthen this time period.
Workplace: OHS law gives employers rights to test employees for drug use. This should be contained in workplace policy, it should be reasonable, and a risk assessment should be done to determine whether testing of employees is appropriate.
Urine: 1 - 4 days; Hair: Up to 90 days; Blood: 1-3 days
‘Pill Testing’/Drug Checking: Lab-quality testing has been trialled in Australia and is not available as a health service yet, but DIY reagent testing is an option. Mandolin, Marquis, Mecke and other reagents produce reactions with MDMA.
‘Set’ = your mind + body. ‘Setting’ = environment. For psychedelic drugs, Set & Setting are very important and shape the experience.
Use around people you trust and somewhere you feel safe.
Eat about 30 minutes before use.
Avoid being in +25℃ heat when MDMA is in your system (use at night or on cooler days).
A standard recreational dose is ℃0.7mg-1.25mg MDMA per kg of body weight. eg. for someone weighing 70kg is℃70-87.5mg—Be extra cautious when weighing powders, use scales displaying 3 decimal points.
It is most commonly eaten, but can be snorted, injected or shelved (learn route of administration-specific safer using practices.
Be aware of overheating or an elevated heart rate and make sure to cool down & chill out regularly.
Keep your fluids up, but don’t drink too much—1 cup of water (250ml) p/h when resting & 500ml per hour when active.
Try eat every 2-3 hours, have a smoothie/sports drink to keep your electrolytes up.
If redosing, wait at least 2 hours.
Carrying drugs & paraphernalia puts you at greater risk of criminal charges (inc. trafficking, even if you don’t deal). Know your local laws.
This resource has been made by people who use drugs for their peers & the wider community. The role of DanceWize is to provide credible & non-judgmental info to promote health & harm reduction. In an unregulated (illegal) market you don’t know the purity or dose of any drug and there is always some risk. You can educate yourself and practise harm reduction to reduce risk. Knowledge is power. #JUSTSAYKNOW