Round, white and unmarked white tablets have been sold across Victoria, sometimes as 'Mylan' or 'Xanax'.
These tablets do not contain alprazolam-the active ingredient in Xanax or Kalma.
Instead, there is a mixture of five relatively new benzos or novel benzodiazepines. NOVEL BENZOS DETECTED: Bromazolam, Clonazolam, Etizolam, Flualprazolam and Flubromazepam
Risk of any drug is dose-dependent. A single dose of one kind of substance in this case, benzodiazepines, can be significantly stronger or milder than another.
Benzos are a Central Nervous System (CNS) depressant, which can cause anxiety suppression, sedation, amnesia and disinhibition. Higher doses can lead to drowsiness, reduced consciousness, difficulty breathing and death.
RISKS WITH NOVEL BENZOS: • Longer duration of effects • Stronger effects in smaller doses (than pharmaceutical benzos)
REDUCING RISKS: • Be wary of fake pharmaceuticals in circulation • Avoid using with alcohol, opioids or other depressants (overdose risk) • When using any drug, always make sure you are in a safe environment with people you trust • Start low, go slow • If you experience adverse effects, seek help immediately CALL 000
See:https://www.health.vic.gov.au/.../high-potency... for more info.
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